12th of November 2024, 12:57pm
Parliament of Victoria | Legislative Council
David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan):
My constituency question is directed to the Minister for Housing, although I am cognisant that the question could span portfolios.
My constituent works in homelessness services in Brimbank. While my constituent acknowledges the Victorian government has made commitments to increase the supply of social housing under the Big Housing Build, any new housing is some years from being delivered. This does not address the rising number of people in Brimbank and across the west who are sleeping rough and/or living in unsafe situations, often with complex health needs.
More is needed to alleviate the immediate and ever-increasing pressure on the homelessness services sector, with nearly 90 per cent of those seeking help being turned away on any given day. Funding for frontline services is more vital than ever as the exorbitant cost of rent and diminishing supply of affordable dwellings drives rising demand for homelessness support.
My constituent asks if the government will provide more funding for housing stock, homelessness access points and assertive outreach programs to alleviate the current and growing homelessness crisis in Brimbank.
Written Answer
Received: 07 January 2025
Hon. Harriet Shing MP
(Minister for Development Victoria and Precincts, Minister for Housing and Building, Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop)
I thank the Member for their question regarding homelessness services in Brimbank. The Allan Labor Government acknowledges the pressing concerns about homelessness in Melbourne’s west and is actively working to address these challenges.
In 2024-25, the Victorian Government is investing more than $20.3 million for homelessness services in the Brimbank Melton area. This significant investment provides support and accommodation options for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in the region.
Funding reduces rough sleeping by supporting essential services including initial assessment and planning, support to access private rental through the Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP) and Aboriginal Private Rental Assistance Program (APRAP), transitional housing, crisis accommodation, brokerage through Housing Establishment Funds and tenancy support for people in social housing through the Tenancy Plus program. This includes funding to the main homelessness access point for people experiencing homelessness in the Brimbank Melton area, serviced by The Salvation Army.
Rental support can also be accessed through Consumer Affairs Victoria’s Rental Stress Support Package – an investment of $7.8 million over three years. The package gives Victorian households facing rental stress information, advice, advocacy and legal assistance.
Young people in the region have access to several youth refuges, including Hope Street Melton Youth Refuge, WRAP Sunshine Youth Refuge which can accommodate eight young people, and additional support in Werribee supporting 11 young people. Assertive outreach services are preventing rough sleeping for 200 young Victorians each year through Hope Street Melton first response program. The Wyndham H3 Alliance is also coordinating services in nearby areas to reduce the impact of homelessness in Brimbank Melton and includes outreach to young people.
The new Homes First program is based on Housing First Principles and in 2024-25 it will help 30 Brimbank Melton households, for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of sleeping rough needing intensive support services. Brimbank The Enhanced Housing Pathways is also delivered in this area which provides vital case management support to people exiting correctional facilities, helping prevent homelessness among this vulnerable population.
The Allan Labor Government is taking action to address the housing crisis. As at the end of October 2024, $162.5 million has been invested in the Brimbank Melton area through the $5.3 billion Big Housing Build to deliver 164 newly completed homes with another 168 homes underway. In addition, a further $164 million has been invested as part of other capital programs, delivering 75 new homes to date, with 100 new homes underway. Homes Victoria has also invested $10 million to deliver maintenance and/or upgrades to 757 social housing properties in Brimbank Melton.
The government recognises that while the Big Housing Build represents a significant long-term investment in social housing, immediate support is also crucial. In response to increased service delivery costs, the Victorian Government provided homelessness agencies with an additional $8.2 million in late 2023-24. This funding supports critical programs that help people avoid homelessness, including PRAP, APRAP and Housing Establishment Funds.
The Victorian Government is also committed to building an additional 250,000 homes across the state over the next decade through Victoria’s Housing Statement. This is an ambitious approach, and Victoria is leading the country in the number of new social housing properties being built.
I assure the Member that we remain committed to addressing both immediate and long-term housing needs in the Brimbank Melton area. We will continue working closely with local service providers and communities to enhance support for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.