Victorian Future Fund Bill (2023)
David rises to speak on behalf of Legalise Cannabis Victoria in support of the Victorian Future Fund Bill 2023.
David rises to speak on behalf of Legalise Cannabis Victoria in support of the Victorian Future Fund Bill 2023.
David rises in Parliament to speak about the State Taxation Amendment Bill 2023 on behalf of Legalise Cannabis Victoria.
David rises to make a contribution to the proposed Children and Health Legislation Amendment (Statement of Recognition, Aboriginal Self-Determination and other matters) Bill 2023.
David rises to make a contribution to the “Control of Lobbyists” Bill 2023 on behalf of Legalise Cannabis Victoria.
David speaks on behalf of Legalise Cannabis Victoria, in support of the Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2023.
David rises to speak to the Disability and Social Services Regulation Amendment Bill (2023).
David Ettershank made comments on behalf of Legalise Cannabis Victoria about the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Medically Supervised Injecting Centre) Bill 2023.
David rose for his second reading, introducing the Road Safety Amendment “Medicinal Cannabis” Bill 2023 to the Victorian Legislative Council.
On 8th Feb 2023, David Ettershank delivered the first reading of the Road Safety Amendment “Medicinal Cannabis” Bill 2023