Personal use of cannabis bill inquiry
David speaks on a motion put forward by his colleague, Rachel Payne, to launch an inquiry into their personal use of cannabis bill.
David speaks on a motion put forward by his colleague, Rachel Payne, to launch an inquiry into their personal use of cannabis bill.
David Ettershank spoke about the recent 420 community celebration event and the resources wasted by police.
David Ettershank spoke to Ali Moore about the Legalise Cannabis Party’s threat to withdraw support from the Allan Government, as a result of the heavy police presence at Melbourne’s 420 rally, where 36 arrests were made. Mr Ettershank told ABC 774, “over the last 12…
David gives his Members Statement about insights from research into attitudes to cannabis by the Penington Institute.
20th March 2024 09:41amVictorian Legislative Council, Melbourne David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan) (09:41): That this house notes That – and calls on the Allan to legalise cannabis in order to reduce criminal activity and increase community safety. [ENDS]
David Ettershank gave his Member’s Statement about Germany’s recent legalisation of cannabis.
29 February 2024, 3:19pm FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Legalise Cannabis Victoria welcomes the news that 80% of Australians believe the possession of cannabis should not be a criminal offence. The latest figures published today in the 2022-2023 National Drug Strategy Household Survey send a clear message that Australians…
29 November 2023, 5:30amFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today the Victorian Upper House will debate the Legalise Cannabis Victoria Bill to regulate adult use of cannabis. Prohibition of cannabis is failed policy, with more than one third of Victorian adults having accessed cannabis. The time has come…