Medicinal cannabis and driving
David gives a statement on LCV’s amendment to the Road Safety Act, which allows magistrates to not cancel the driving licenses of medicinal cannabis patients who test positive for THC while driving unimpaired.
David gives a statement on LCV’s amendment to the Road Safety Act, which allows magistrates to not cancel the driving licenses of medicinal cannabis patients who test positive for THC while driving unimpaired.
At midnight, on Saturday March 1, medicinal cannabis prescription holders will be protected from automatic loss of licence in Victoria – and the state’s Legalise Cannabis MPs, both medicinal cannabis patients, are counting down the hours until the law changes. MP David Ettershank said nationally…
David updates the Legislative Council on his recent trip to Thailand, where he explored the new legal cannabis market.
David speaks on a new consultation report which supports the case for allowing discretion for magistrates to not automatically cancel the licence of medicinal cannabis patients who test positive to THC when driving.
David speaks on a motion put forward by his colleague, Rachel Payne, to launch an inquiry into their personal use of cannabis bill.
David gives his members statement on the findings of the Penington Institute’s discussion paper titled “Cannabis Regulation in Australia: Putting Community Safety First.”
Tradies and parents prescribed medicinal cannabis have joined with MPs David Ettershank and Rachel Payne to campaign for fair driving laws.
David speaks on a petition calling on the government to allow adults to legally consume and possess cannabis.
A petition tabled by Legalise Cannabis Victoria triggers a debate in the Legislative Council
David calls on the government to expedite the medicinal cannabis driving trial and introduce legislation to allow medicinal cannabis patients to drive.