Improving spent convictions scheme
David directs a question to the Attorney General about improving Victoria’s spent convictions scheme, citing recommendations in a review of the legislation.
David directs a question to the Attorney General about improving Victoria’s spent convictions scheme, citing recommendations in a review of the legislation.
David raises concerns that a new bill will give IBAC further monitoring tasks when it is already unable to fulfil its current police misconduct remit, and spoke about how illegal cannabis profits finance organised crime.
David asks the Attorney-General about delays to the opening of the Wyndham Justice Precinct, and the need for therapeutic drug courts in the West.
David Ettershank asked a question of the Attorney-General access to drug courts in the Western region.
David Ettershank questioned the attorney general about the Youth Bail reform changes.
David Ettershank used their adjournment speech to call for continued funding support for a successful youth crime prevention project in the west
David Ettershank asked a question of the Attorney-General about the inequity in access to legal representation.
David speaks against an opposition bill which would further restrict bail, recognising that the current system overcriminalises vulnerable groups and contributes to re-offending.
David makes a contribution on a Bill which includes a raft of reforms aimed at strengthening the integrity of the Victoria Police discipline system, and other purposes.
MEDIA RELEASE | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15 November 2023 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are eight-times more likely to be arrested for possession of Cannabis according to data from the Crime Statistic Agency (CSA). In response to a Question on Notice to the Police Minister,…