Mental health nurses
David calls on the government to release long-awaited OH&S regulations for mentally safe workplaces. He speaks about what mental health nurses deal with on a daily basis, and the need to protect them.
David calls on the government to release long-awaited OH&S regulations for mentally safe workplaces. He speaks about what mental health nurses deal with on a daily basis, and the need to protect them.
David questions the Minister for Mental Health on delays to rolling out more mental health hubs.
David criticises a bill that would see thousands of workers with mental health injuries no longer eligible for Workcover, describing the bill as half baked and ill considered.
David Ettershank asked a question in question time for the Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC about the development of regulations around psychological workplace hazards.
David Ettershank presented a motion to discuss the need for more detox withdrawal beds in Victoria.
David Ettershank introduced to parliament his motion to release the Lay report into the Medical Supervised Injecting Room in Melbourne’s CBD.