
15 August 2023, 13:33
Legislative Council of Victoria, Melbourne

David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan):

Well, the numbers are in. More than 50 per cent of Australian voters want cannabis to be regulated and taxed in the same way as alcohol and tobacco –

Matthew BACH (North-Eastern Metropolitan):

Hear, hear!

David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan):

thank you, Dr Bach – and only 26 per cent people were opposed to this change. It is a view that spans the political divide, with 53 per cent of Labor voters and close to 50 per cent of coalition voters supporting cannabis regulation and reform. The latest Essential poll featured in the Guardian last week shows there is ever increasing support for change to the adult cannabis use laws. This support has been growing steadily over the last 20 years and is reflected in polling by most of the major pollsters as well as the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Australians recognise that the war on drugs has been lost and that cannabis-related law enforcement is too costly and does nothing to reduce harm in our community. Australians want change, they want sensible regulation and they want taxation. The community is well ahead of our major political parties on this issue, and it is time for those parties to catch up and act.


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