29th of May 2024, 9:53am
Legislative Council of Victoria, Spring Street, Melbourne
David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan Region):
As the inquiry into the 2022 floods draws to its June 30 deadline, startling evidence has been provided to the community and the committee in the form of new flood modelling for the Maribyrnong River.
Three new suburban areas previously deemed as ‘flood safe’ are now subject to inundation, devastating thousands of residents who face flooding, skyrocketing insurance costs and reduced property values. This modelling is the first in Victoria to really capture the likely impacts of climate change, and the inquiry has heard that most catchments have outdated flood modelling.
Modelling for the Maribyrnong is 20 years old, and Melbourne Water is commencing updated modelling for all Greater Melbourne catchments.
Around 200,000 properties are on land currently deemed to be floodplains, and this number will doubtless increase significantly as new modelling is released. All members’ regions will likely be affected by revised flood modelling. Unfortunately the information from Melbourne Water was only released on April 30, and it raises as many questions as it answers.
A significant number of questions to Melbourne Water were flagged in the recent hearings, striking to both the veracity of the modelling and how results are communicated to the community.
There is well-founded concern in the community that the inquiry process will be concluded before appropriate answers are received and considered by the committee.
My constituents seek the support of this chamber to ensure that such fears are unfounded.