5th March 2024, 12:54
Victorian Legislative Council, Melbourne
David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan) (12:53):
My constituency question is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure and relates to the proposed sporting precinct in Tarneit, which will see a new 15,000-seat stadium built to house a new A-League club, Western United Football Club. I have to say, after attending a Matildas game recently, soccer fever is certainly at an all-time high.
While my constituent is looking forward to the prospect of seeing elite soccer matches so close to home, they are concerned that without investment in public transport, traffic congestion will be a major issue, and I am sure many in this place will recall the nightmare traffic which plagued Waverley stadium throughout the 1980s and 90s.
My constituent asks: given that the proposed stadium location is a 2.5-kilometre walk from the planned Tarneit West train station, what are the government’s plans to connect this new sporting precinct to the Public Transport Victoria network?
Written Answer
Received: 13 June 2024
Hon Gabrielle Williams MP
(Minister for Government Services, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Public and Active Transport)
I thank the Member for Western Metropolitan Region for his question, which has been referred to me as the Minister for Public and Active Transport.
The Allan Labor Government is building a brand new station in Tarneit West as part of our commitment to better connect the growing suburbs of the Melbourne’s west.
To be located at Davis and Leakes roads in Tarneit West, the new station will include a pedestrian crossing, a 4 bay bus interchange and parking for up to 400 commuters.
We are commencing early site investigations in the area to deliver the brand new station. As with all our transport investments that have helped modernise our suburban and country networks, we work to make sure they can deliver broader network benefits to workers, students and visitors – this work is ongoing.