Legalise Cannabis Victoria MP David Ettershank joins Cannabiz co-founder Martin Lane and chief correspondent Steve Jones to discuss drug-driving reform, workplace drug testing and the lessons to be learned from the duck controversy in Victoria.
Legalise Cannabis Victoria MP David Ettershank joins Cannabiz co-founder Martin Lane and chief correspondent Steve Jones to discuss drug-driving reform, workplace drug testing and the lessons to be learned from the duck controversy in Victoria.
By Rachel Eddie June 20, 2023 Pro-cannabis MPs will attempt to legalise the drug for personal use through draft laws to be introduced simultaneously on Tuesday in state parliaments in Victoria, NSW and Western Australia. The bills, to be introduced in the upper houses, are…
29 February 2024, 3:19pm FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Legalise Cannabis Victoria welcomes the news that 80% of Australians believe the possession of cannabis should not be a criminal offence. The latest figures published today in the 2022-2023 National Drug Strategy Household Survey send a clear message that Australians…
MEDIA RELEASE | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15 November 2023 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are eight-times more likely to be arrested for possession of Cannabis according to data from the Crime Statistic Agency (CSA). In response to a Question on Notice to the Police Minister,…
On February 1st, David Ettershank will host the first of many community conversations as member for Western Metropolitan. Where: Mama Chen’s, 42A Albert Street Footscray, 3011When: 6pm February 1st He encourages locals to attend and participate in a conversation about politics, cannabis law reform and…
The Victorian Government will launch a closed track circuit trial in Victoria to investigate road safety risks associated with the use of medicinal cannabis and we urge the Government complete this whole process no later than the end of 2024. Legalise Cannabis Victoria calls on…