On 23 February 2023, David Ettershank and Rachel Payne, the Legalise Cannabis MPs introduced a bill to amend the Road Safety Act (1985) to allow medicinal cannabis driving.
On the eve of 420, my colleague Rachel Payne and I joined the crew from ‘The CrazeCo’ on the steps of Parliament to highlight the hypocrisy of Victoria’s approach to cannabis. CrazeCo’s Alec Zammitt and Will Stolk have become legends in the cannabis community, after…
MEDIA RELEASE | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15 November 2023 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are eight-times more likely to be arrested for possession of Cannabis according to data from the Crime Statistic Agency (CSA). In response to a Question on Notice to the Police Minister,…
From the 21st – 22nd of May, 2024, the Legislative Council of Victoria’s Legal and Social Issues Committee conducted public hearings for the Inquiry into Workplace Drug Testing in Victoria.
By Rachel Eddie June 20, 2023 Pro-cannabis MPs will attempt to legalise the drug for personal use through draft laws to be introduced simultaneously on Tuesday in state parliaments in Victoria, NSW and Western Australia. The bills, to be introduced in the upper houses, are…
The Legalise Cannabis Victoria MPs, Rachel Payne and David Ettershank introduce a motion to establish a Parliamentary Inquiry to explore the potential for the industrial hemp sector to bolster Victoria’s economy.