Investigation into homes affected by Maribyrnong river flooding
David speaks on a motion asking the Victorian Ombudsman to investigate various matters regarding homes affected by Maribyrnong flood risks.
David speaks on a motion asking the Victorian Ombudsman to investigate various matters regarding homes affected by Maribyrnong flood risks.
16th of May 2024, 6:11pmLegislative Council of Victoria | Spring Street, Melbourne David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan): Unlike Mr Davis and Ms Crozier, I would actually like to talk about Elbit Systems and its relationship with the government. I know it is a wild and crazy notion to…
14th of May 2024, 2:27pmLegislative Council of Victoria | Spring Street, Melbourne David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan): Thank you, President, and firstly, my apologies on the mix-up on the speaking order there. I did not want to interrupt Mr Galea’s repetition or some of the valuable new…
David Ettershank contributes to the debate on an opposition motion to review the location of North Richmond Medically Supervised Injecting Room.
David makes a contribution to debate on a motion to suspend the Leader of the Government from the chamber, as a result of the government’s failure to produce documents requested by the Parliament.
David Ettershank spoke during discussion on the interim report on the 2022 Victorian flood event.
David Ettershank spoke on a community petition about the proposed waste incinerator at Lara.
David speaks against an opposition bill which would further restrict bail, recognising that the current system overcriminalises vulnerable groups and contributes to re-offending.
David criticises a bill that would see thousands of workers with mental health injuries no longer eligible for Workcover, describing the bill as half baked and ill considered.
David Ettershank spoke during the debate on the oppositions motion for an inquiry into Victoria’s energy transmission system.