
6th of February 2024, 13:47
Legislative Council of Victoria, Melbourne

DAVID ETTERSHANK — To move — Motion 291

That this House notes that —

(1) the City of Melbourne has the highest number of heroin overdoses of any local government area in Victoria, with cohealth workers estimating an average of two people dying every month from heroin overdoses, an increase on the average reported in 2022 by the Coroners Court of Victoria;

(2) heroin-related ambulance callouts in the Melbourne CBD are increasing, with 390 heroinrelated callouts in 2022, an increase of 28 percent on the previous year;

(3) nearly 12 percent of ambulance callouts in the City of Melbourne are heroin-related callouts;

(4) medically supervised injecting rooms save lives, reduce the burden on our healthcare system and provide people with pathways for recovery;

(5) there is a dire need for a medically supervised injecting room in the City of Melbourne; and calls on the Allan Government to expedite the establishment of a second medically supervised injecting room in the Melbourne CBD.

[Notice given on 6 February 2024 — Listed for 3 days]

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